Hmart web site,, is secured by technology to encrypt and protect information transmitted over the Internet. Hmart business processes, we apply extreme caution in protecting customer's privacy and to prevent the possibility of misusing the private information you provide in your transactions.
Please note that while we make reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal information once we receive it, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
When your private information is entered and transmitted to us (e.g., credit card information), we encrypt it so that it cannot be intercepted and used by other people. We do not release your personal information to any third party unless you have granted us explicit permission to do so.
Cookies are used by to make customer shopping experiences faster and easier. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website sends to the customer computer's web browser while the customer is viewing the website. may use both session Cookies (which expire once the customer closes the web browser) and persistent Cookies (which stay on the customer's computer until the customer deletes them) to provide the customer with a more personal and interactive experience. Persistent Cookies can be removed or blocked by following the help file directions in your internet browser. If the customer selects to block Cookies, customers may not be able to access certain personalised sections of our services such as Publisher reports. also uses log files and Cookies to improve the quality of our site to keep track of the customer's interests and to personalise the site on the customer's behalf. The customer will always be required to log in with username and password to place an order. If the customer chooses to, the customer may disable the customer's browser from using cookies. The cookies will be destroyed every time the customer closes the browser.